Friday, February 29, 2008

Did Jesus mean Dogs are Gentiles including Moslems and Christians?

Lord Jesus said there would be no way out of Hell once one was sent therein (Luke 16:26). Yet it is a decree for every Muslim to enter Hell (Sura 19:71)

Sura 19:69-70
Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them! Therefor, worship thou Him and be thou steadfast in His service. Knowest thou one that can be named along with Him ? (Comment: This man is a Muslim as he worships Allah the Lord of the heavens and the earth.) And man saith: When I am dead, shall I forsooth be brought forth alive?

Doth not man remember that We created him before, when he was naught? And, by thy Lord, verily We shall assemble them (Muslims) and the devils, then We shall bring them, crouching, around hell. Then We shall pluck out from every sect whichever of them was most stubborn in rebellion to the Beneficent. And surely We are Best Aware of those most worthy to be burned therein. There is not one of you but shall approach it. That is a fixed ordinance of thy Lord. Then We shall rescue those who kept from evil, and leave the evil-doers crouching there. (Sura 19: 69-70) Pickthal Translation

In conclusion, Moslems are destined to enter Hell. Sura 19:71 Not one (None) of you but will pass over it: this is, with thy Lord, a Decree which must be accomplished. Sura 19:71 (Yusuf Ali Translation). Do Muslims know what is the meaning of Decree to enter Hell?

BEFORE the non-Israelite believe in Lord Jesus, she is like a Gentile Dog.

Mat 15:26 But he (Jesus) answered and said, It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs.

AFTER she believe in Lord Jesus, she is a Christian and a child of God. Jesus actually called her "O woman, great is thy faith..." Where is the TEXT?

And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table. Then Jesus answered and said unto her, "O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt." And her daughter was made whole from that very hour. (Mat 15:27-28)

Apostle Paul wrote "But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith." - (Gal 3:11) And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed. - (Gal 3:8) That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. - (Gal 3:14) For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. - (Gal 3:26) And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." - (Gal 3:29)

Lord Jesus fore-ordained the disciples to testify the Gospel to the Gentiles. Jesus said: " And ye shall be brought before governors and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them and the Gentiles." (Mat 10:18)

And she (Mary) shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their SINS. (Mat 1:21)

And he (Jesus) took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it; For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of SINS. (Mat 26:27-28) Jesus shed his precious Blood as sacrifice for your sins and mine. That by believing in Jesus' acts of love and the one who sent Him, one can have eternal life.

Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And WHOSOEVER (any one) liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this? (John 11:25-26)

Sura 3:55 Behold! God said: "O Jesus! I will take thee(crucified) and raise thee to Myself and clear thee of those who blaspheme; I will make those who follow thee (Jesus) SUPERIOR to those who reject faith, to the Day of Resurrection: ... (Literal Translation). Faith in Jesus is superior than disbelievers.

John 3:16 Jesus, the greatest Prophet said: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Rev 22:15 For without are dogs (unbelieving, heathen, contemptible, adulterers, pagans), and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.

Where is the promise for Muslims in the Quran to enter Paradise but it is guaranteed for Jews, Christians and Sabaeans?

Sura 2:62 Lo! those who believe and those who are Jews, and CHRISTIANs, and Sabaeans whoever believeth in God and the Last Day and doeth right surely their reward is with their Lord, and there shall NO FEAR come upon them neither shall they grieve. (Sura 2:62) Pickthal

Sura 3:185 Every soul will taste of death. (Elijah was taken alive to heaven (see 2 Kings 2:11) and he did not die. So every soul will taste of death is a false revelation! Ezekiel 18:4 Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die.). And ye will be paid on the Day of Resurrection only that which ye have fairly earned. Whoso is (not SPARED meaning Muslims enter Hell but) REMOVED from the Fire and is made to enter PARADISE, he indeed is triumphant. The life of this world is but comfort of illusion. (Sura 3:185) Pickthal

Muslims are decreed to enter Hell (Sura 19:71) and shall wait to be removed from Hell (Sura 19:72). Who is the Savior for Muslims?

True Savior is found at this site:

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Muslim asked: Why Jesus had called U a gentile DOG?

Question: "What make U sure that U R right and they are WRONG... despite that U have Failed to answer why Jesus had called U a gentile DOG?"

As a matter of fact, Jesus did not call me a Gentile dog. How can you put words into Jesus' mouth? You have misunderstood the words of Jesus spoken to a Gentile woman and not to all Gentiles race! It is obviously quoted out of context. So why did Lord Jesus enter the Gentiles territory in the first place? Why did the Gentile woman approach the Jews as traditionally they do not associate with each race? Can you answer these questions first?

Now, when I read the context of the passage and not just one verse that Lord Jesus was talking to a woman in the Gentiles coasts of Tyre and Sidon, I am sure that Gentile is also given salvation in the kingdom of God because that is a precedent case for all Gentiles race.

To deduce the significant of the conversation between Jesus and the Gentile woman, let's read again the said passage:-

And, behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord,

thou son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil. But he answered her not a word. And his disciples came and besought him, saying, Send her away; for she crieth after us.

But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Then came she and worshiped him, saying, Lord, help me.

But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs. (Mat 15:26) Cross-reference: But Jesus said unto her, (Let the children first be filled:) for it is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it unto the dogs. (Mark 7:27)

And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table. Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour. (KJV Matthew 15:22-28)

Firstly, Lord Jesus was entering into the Gentiles region of Tyre and Sidon after the debate with the Jews about what really defiled a man (Mat 15:11 Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man. Mat 15:18 But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man. ) So Lord Jesus did not mean that the Gentile woman whom he was talking with, was unclean (dogs) and it did not occur to him that Gentiles race is unclean, otherwise he would not enter the Gentiles territory of Tyre and Sidon.

Secondly, Lord Jesus was using a metaphor to make a proverbial statement: "It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs." Greek word is in fact "kunarion" which means "little dogs or pet puppy" and not "kuon" means "dog". It is a general truth to feed the children with bread first before casting away to the pet dogs. Now it is an anology to show the priority of the two things or the reason for the priority to be given to the children.

Thirdly, the aforesaid event was recorded to show a precedent case that Gentiles race will not be neglected by Lord Jesus and not a racist nor insulting remark on Gentiles race. It is a known fact that Gentiles do not associate with the Jews before and during the time of Jesus.

Forthly, the positive implication is that Gentiles are all the while considered outcast and of non-Jewish bloodline. Yet that Canaanite woman has changed the whole perception for the Gentiles race because even Gentile are not denied salvation by Lord Jesus. I read that Gentile woman's daughter was healed from her sickness. So I am very sure that Lord Jesus will not deny me when I approach him in sincerity and in truth.

God love all human the same way; He give rain & sunshine to good and evil. But Allah decreed for every Muslim to enter Hell according to Sura 19:71 (Yusuf Ali Translation) Not one (None) of you but will pass over it: this is, with thy Lord, a Decree which must be accomplished.

Sura 19:67-68 Doth not man remember that We created him before, when he was naught ? And, by thy Lord, verily We shall assemble them (Muslims) and the devils, then We shall bring them, crouching, around hell. (Pickthal)

Lord Jesus said there would be no way out of Hell once one was sent therein (Luke 16:26).

So whom shall I believe? Of course I believe Lord Jesus who promise me eternal life and not the one who decreed to go to Hell.

Lord Jesus said: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:15-16)

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Is Evil within Paul the same as the Devil within ?

A Muslim wrote:

Plus the TWO sweet Verses (Sura 19:83 and Sura 59:16). Talk and Teach us about people like paul (whom Always be possesd by the Demon if not being demon by himself) ..who said { Evil is Present Within me} ROM 7:21


You are so ignorance about the difference between evil and devil. Evil = sin whereas Devil = Satan. Evil is not the same as devil.

Romans 7:19-20 For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do. Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.

Romans 7:21 I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil (Greek "kakos" for bad, evil, worthless) is present with me.

Romans 7:22 For I delight in the law of God after the inward man

Saint Paul was talking about the fallen nature of man, the old Adam within him which he struggled within to do good while he delighted in God's law.

Now the Greek word for devil is "diabolos" and it is obvious different from "kakos".

1John 3:8 He that committeth sin is of the devil (Greek "diabolos" for Satan, devil, false accuser); for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.

Saint Paul declared Jesus as his Lord which means Master.

1Co 12:3 Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.

Saint Paul had the Holy Spirit of God because He confessed Jesus as Lord.

Act 9:29 And he (Paul) spake boldly in the name of the Lord Jesus, and disputed against the Grecians: but they went about to slay him.

2Co 11:31 The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is blessed forevermore, knoweth that I lie not.

1Ti 2:7 Whereunto I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle, (I speak the truth in Christ, and lie not;) a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and verity.

Can anyone call Jesus Lord without the Holy Spirit? Try it yourself and see you can do it saying "Jesus is my Lord". Obviously one cannot open the mouth to confess Jesus as Lord without the help of the Holy Spirit. I had tried before and it was real difficult. Now I can do so freely with the help of the Holy Spirit indeed.

Angel of God also called Jesus as the Lord. It is therefore not an exaltation of Paul alone to address Jesus as the Lord:-
And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord (Greek "kurios" for God, Lord, Master) lay. (Matthew 28-5-6)

What is law and sin? There is no sin without the law.

James 2:9 But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors.
James 2:10 For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.
1John 3:4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.
1John 3:5 And ye know that he (Jesus) was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is no sin.
James 4:11 Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He that speaketh evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge.

James 4:17 Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.

Lord Jesus is sinless and able to take away the sins of the whole world. Believe in Jesus that He died for your sins without which there is no redeemer.

Is Hell the decree for Muslims?

Is Hell the decree for Muslims? It sounds harsh and rude for first time listeners. But let's examine the Quran to find out in truth.

Key Verse: Sura 19:68 And, by thy Lord, verily We shall assemble them (Muslims) and the DEVILs, then We shall bring them, crouching, around hell.

Let's examine whether the element of mockery is the reason for Allah to assemble them (Muslims) and the Devils together and bring them, crouching, around hell. Retracing to earlier verse at Sura 19:65
Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them! Therefor, worship thou Him and be thou steadfast in His service. Knowest thou one that can be named along with Him? And man saith: When I am dead, shall I forsooth be brought forth alive? (Sura 19:66)

As this is an important truth to know where is the destiny for Muslims, let us quote from 3 witnesses or translators to establish the truth of the interpretation of the Quran. Two witnesses is sufficient to comply with the Mosaic law (Matthew 18:16) and 3 witnesses shall be settled it once and for all.

Examine Sura 19:65-66
Khalifa: The Lord of the heavens and the earth, and everything between them; you shall worship Him and steadfastly persevere in worshiping Him. Do you know of anyone who equals Him? The human being asks, "After I die, do I come back to life?"

Yusuf Ali: Lord of the heavens and of the earth, and of all that is between them; so worship Him, and be constant and patient in His worship: knowest thou of any who is worthy of the same Name as He?" Man says: "What! When I am dead, shall I then be raised up alive?"

Pickthal: "Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them! Therefor, worship thou Him and be thou steadfast in His service. Knowest thou one that can be named along with Him ? And man saith: When I am dead, shall I forsooth be brought forth alive ?

Comments: He worshipped the Lord of the heavens and the earth implies he is a Muslim. And he inquired about the resurrection of the dead.

Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven. But as touching the resurrection of the dead, have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob God is not the God of the dead, but of the living. (Matthew 22:29-32)

Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this? (John 11:25-26)

Examine the context of Sura 19:67-68

Allah said to Muslim
Khalifa: Did the human being forget that we created him already, and he was nothing? By your Lord, we will certainly summon them (Muslims), together with the devils, and will gather them around Hell, humiliated.

Yusuf Ali: But does not man call to mind that We created him before out of nothing? So, by thy Lord, without doubt, We shall gather them together, and (also) the Evil Ones (with them); then shall We bring them forth on their knees round about Hell;

Pickthal: Doth not man remember that We created him before, when he was naught ? And, by thy Lord, verily We shall assemble them (Muslims) and the devils, then We shall bring them, crouching, around hell.

Some shall be plucked out or abruptly pulled out from group and thrown to burn in Hell? Who are there?

Examine the context of Sura 19:69-70
Khalifa: Then we will pick out from each group the most ardent opponent of the Most Gracious. We know full well those who are most deserving of burning therein.

Yusuf Ali: Then shall We certainly drag out from every sect all those who were worst in obstinate rebellion against (God) Most Gracious. And certainly We know best those who are most worthy of being burned therein.

Pickthal: Then We shall pluck out from every sect whichever of them was most stubborn in rebellion to the Beneficent. And surely We are Best Aware of those most worthy to be burned therein.

Comments: Did you read it correctly? Those most rebellious against the Most Gracious God shall be plucked out from the group and thrown to be burned in Hell.

Is it a destiny for good Muslims to go to Hell? Yes, all of the Muslims for it is Allah's decree.
Sura 19:71
Khalifa: Every single one of you must see it; this is an irrevocable decision of your Lord.

Yusuf Ali: Not one of you but will pass over it: this is, with thy Lord, a Decree which must be accomplished.

Pickthal: There is not one of you but shall approach it. That is a fixed ordinance of thy Lord.
Is the reason of mockery brought Muslims to Hell? No, it is Allah's decree to enter Hell. Then who shall be spared from burning in Hell?

Sura 19:72
Khalifa: Then we rescue the righteous, and leave the transgressors in it, humiliated.
Yusuf Ali: But We shall save those who guarded against evil, and We shall leave the wrong-doers therein, (humbled) to their knees.
Pickthal: Then We shall rescue those who kept from evil, and leave the evil-doers crouching there.

The righteous shall be plucked out from Hell and trangressors are left behind. The Scripture says the most rebellious against God are trangressors which Sura 19:72 says they would be left crouching in Hell. Only the most rebellious against God will be thrown to be burned therein (Sura 19:69).

For Yahweh God said
1Samuel 15:23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king.

Joshua 1:18 Whosoever he be that doth rebel against thy commandment, and will not hearken unto thy words in all that thou commandest him, he shall be put to death: only be strong and of a good courage.

Joshua 22:29 God forbid that we should rebel against the LORD

Jesus said the trangressors are thrown into the lake of burning fire and not just crouching around in Hell:-
He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. But the fearful, and unbelieving, and abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. (Rev 21:7-8)

Rev 20:15 (God said) And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

Rev 22:15 For without are dogs (unbelieving, abominable, contemptible, apostate, trangressors), and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.

Question: How many could be pluck out from Hell? None, as it is impossible to get out of Hell. Listen to the words of Prophet Jesus before it.

Quran was traditionally from a revelation given by an unidentified spirit to Mohammed at Hira cave in Mecca. The spirit said to Mohammed: "Verily he saw one of the greater revelations of his Lord. Have ye thought upon Al Lat and Al Uzza, and Manat, the third, the other? Are yours the males and His the females? " (Sura 53:18-21)

Question: Asking Muslims to give thoughts to 3 gods or 3 spirits? Is it an idolatry to think of 3 gods?

Did that spirit say "Thus have we appointed unto every Prophet an adversary DEVILs of humankind and jinn who inspire in one another plausible discourse through guile. If thy Lord willed, they would not do so; so leave them alone with their devising"

Question: Is that spirit a deceiver who appoint an adversary Devils of humankind to mislead every prophet?

But Lord Jesus did not sin (Hebrew 2:18; 4:15) even though he was tempted in every way (Matthew 4:1, Mark 1:13, Luke 4:2).

Sura 67:5 And verily We have beatified the world's heaven with lamps, and We have made them missiles for the DEVILs, and for them We have prepared the doom of flame.

Question: Are stars in the sky considered as lamps or missiles to shoot the Devils? It sounds like devils can be shot down.

Nevertheless, Allah will gather Muslims and Devils together and bring them, crouching around hell (Sura 19:66-70) and that is a destiny for Muslims because "that is a fixed ordinance of thy Lord" (Sura 19:71).

Is that a reward to be a Muslim so as to end up in hell with no certainty to be saved from hell fire?

Once in hell, there is no return and no way out of it as told by Lord Jesus (Luke 16:26) And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence.

But Christians are saved by Lord Jesus who is from Abraham's seed.
Sura 3:55 ...I will make those who follow thee (Jesus) SUPERIOR to those who reject faith, to the Day of Resurrection (Yusuf Ali)

Quran was revealed later than the Holy Bible by at least 540 years. As Quran confirms that the Scripture was revealed in truth, then Bible is the final authority. Quran recognises the Holy Bible as a Book of final authority.

Sura 10:94 And if thou (Mohammed/Muslim) art in doubt concerning that which We reveal unto thee, then question those (Christians) who read the Scripture (Bible that was) before thee. Verily the Truth from thy Lord hath come unto thee. So be not thou of the waverers. (Pickthal Translation)

Moreover, Quran says it is CONFIRMING and not CORRECTING the Holy Bible so those who claims Bible is corrupt are liars and not believing in Quran.

Sura 2:41 And believe in that which I reveal, CONFIRMING that which ye possess already (of the Scripture), and be not first to disbelieve therein, and part not with My revelations for a trifling price, and keep your duty unto Me.

Sura 3:3 He hath revealed unto thee (Muhammad) the Scripture with truth, CONFIRMING that which was (revealed) before it, even as He revealed the Torah and the Gospel

Sura 5:46 And We caused Jesus, son of Mary, to follow in their footsteps, CONFIRMING that which was (revealed) before him, and We bestowed on him the Gospel wherein is guidance and a light, CONFIRMING that which was (revealed) before it in the Torah a guidance and an admonition unto those who ward off (evil).

Allah will watch over the Scripture revealed before Quran, to keep if from corruption
Sura 5:48 And unto thee have We revealed the Scripture with the truth, CONFIRMING whatever Scripture was before it, and a watcher over it.

Read the Holy Bible with an open mind and read from page to page to determine the overview of the words from Lord Jesus. Do not believe in those who disbelieve about the Gospel for it is the power of God for salvation of the Gentiles - to be saved from the hell fire.

Saint Paul said: For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written. The just shall live by faith. (Romans 1:16-17)

May God open the eyes of understanding of those who truly seek for the truth, nothing but the truth in the name of Jesus my Lord. Amen.

Who is the seed of Abraham that shall be called?

KEY VERSE: Genesis 21:12 And God said unto Abraham ... in all that Sarah hath said unto thee, hearken unto her voice; for in Isaac shall thy seed be called.




Isaac is NOT called the SEED..He(Isaac) is The SEED's Pointer..That is what Isaac been CHOSEN FOR ( TO POINT TO THE SEED)..who is Ishmael GEN 21:13


Which verse mentions that Isaac was chosen to point to the seed of Ishmael? When the Issac was chosen, the posterity goes down to Jacob and God still speak to Jacob to confirm the covenant. But there is absolutely no record of God talking to Ishmael and his seed. It is not logical for the chosen race from Isaac (Jews) to point to a Gentile race (Arabs). This is not racist remark but to highlight that bloodline is the end result of the true seed coming from the covenant.


Jesus whom was only sent to Israelites telling about next Covenant/ message taken from them (Israelites) and Given to [A nation.] ..{ Therefore I say unto you, the kingdom of God shall be taken away from you and given to a [[NATION]] bringing forth thereof" [Mathew 21:43]}


Please read the words of Lord Jesus in the right context and not quote out of context. The overview of the whole Bible is important to know the truth and not "choose and twist" one or two verses to justify man's interpretation. The Word of God is eternal (Matt 24:35) and He change not (Malachi 3:6). In Matthew 21:43, it was Lord Jesus talking to the Jews about the Kingdom of God and not to the Ishmaelite race. Jesus was talking about a heavenly kingdom (2 Ti 4:18) and not an earthly kingdom.

Mat 21:43

(Jesus said) Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you (Jews), and given to a nation (non-Jews) bringing forth the fruits thereof.

The words of Lord Jesus was made clear in the earlier verse that the unbelieving Jews rejected him.

Mat 21:42

Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the Scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes?


Lord Jesus is the seed coming from the Bloodline of Isaac and not from Ishmael. Lord Jesus meant that he would establish an eternal Kingdom with the Gentiles (non-Jewish blood) because the unbelieving Jews rejected him as the Messiah. It is not a transfer of rights from the seed that is called nor change from the Kingdom of God to kingdom of man because it is an everlasting covenant. Everlasting means forever and ever.

Gen 17:19

And God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him for an EVERLASTING covenant, and with his seed after him.

God is not a man that he should lie (Number 23:19) by taking away from Isaac's seed and give to Ishmael's seed when God said to Abraham about Isaac "I will establish my covenant with him for an EVERLASTING covenant and with his seed (posterity) after HIM (not to an Ishmaelite)".


What is this "Kingdom of God" that Jesus was talking about?

To know the basic truth about the Kingdom of God, let us listen from the lips of Lord Jesus.

1) That Kingdom of God is the presence of the Spirit of God in a person or a person is in God's presence

Mat 12:28

But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the "kingdom of God" is come unto you.

2) That Kingdom of God is a place where believers can enter

Mat 19:24

And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

Mat 21:31

Jesus saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That the publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you.

3) That Kingdom of God is entered by believing the Gospel

Mar 1:15 (Jesus) And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.

4) That kingdom of God is Heaven and not Hell fire where worm dies not and fire is extremely hot

Mar 9:47

(Jesus said) And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out: it is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire:

Mar 9:48

Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.

5) Kindgom of God is where child-like faith will come to Lord Jesus

Mar 10:14

But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.

6) This Kingdom of God belongs to Lord Jesus and not to Ishmaelite.

Mark 14:24 And he (Jesus) said unto them, This is my blood of the new testament (covenant), which is shed for many.

Mark 14:25

Verily I say unto you, I will drink no more of the fruit of the vine, until that day that I (Jesus) drink it new in the kingdom of God.



THIS WORD [[NATION]] in Matt 21:43 that Promised to Take the Leadership is the Promised Ishmaelite..[[for I (YHWH) will make him ( Ishmael) into a great nation]]


What did Mohammed say about Ishmael's covenant if he were chosen to bring the message to the Ishmaelite nation? Obviously Lord Jesus was talking about the Kingdom of God (Mark 1:15) was near, repent and believe the Gospel, and nothing about kingdom of man nor the Ishmaelite. Yes, God will make Ishmael a great foreign nation (Gentiles or non-Jews) that is a great non-Jewish nation. Gentiles refer to pagan, heathen or people. If you read the covenant carefully that God made with Abraham, it was about a great nation/people and nothing about the promise of land (Gen 17:20 & Gen 21:18). Great Gentile nation is merely great non-Jewish people. So why did the Arabs/Moslems are fighting for land with Israel? It is because Moslems have misunderstood about God's covenant with Abraham which was meant for the younger Isaac and not for Ishmael even though he was elder by 13 years.


(Genesis 17:20, 21:18)..........beacuse ..The contrasting fact that Isaac (Pbuh) was promised to be "nations/ GENTILES" NOT one NATION (Gen. 17:16) crucially means that Ishmael alone ultimately fulfils God's FIRST promise to Abraham in Genesis 12:2, i.e. "..I will make you (Abraham) into a great NATION/Great Gentile..".

This promise was repeated in Genesis 18:18 as "Abraham will surely become a great and powerful nation, and all nations on earth will be blessed through him".


Gen 17:5

(God said) Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.

No doubt Abraham will be blessed with many nations (not one nation only) and Ishmael will be a great nation/ people. There is no specific promise of land to Ishmael, only Isaac and Jacob were promised to inherit the land. Hence the Jews inherit the promised land of Canaan, now known as Israel. What is the symbolic meaning? It points to Lord Jesus as the chosen seed.

Do you read about land from these 2 verses???

Gen 17:20

And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee: Behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve princes shall he beget, and I will make him a great nation (Gentile/ foreign people).

Gen 21:18

Arise, lift up the lad, and hold him in thine hand; for I will make him a great nation/foreign people.


Now Gentiles are not Jews which the forefathers originate from Isaac, Jacob and Joseph. When Jacob died in Egypt, his body was brought back to be buried in the promised land of Canaan

Gen 50:13

For his sons carried him into the land of Canaan, and buried him in the cave of the field of Machpelah, which Abraham bought with the field for a possession of a burial place of Ephron the Hittite, before Mamre.


Where was the body of Ishamel when he died and that of his descendants if they were to inherit the land?


The Isaaianic Covenant Given to Isaac alone and his Blood line Seed in GEN 17:19 ] ....not the Abrahamic one (given to all Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac Gen17:1-10) to be a POINTER to Abraham SEED זרע who is labelled as Ishmael the son of the maidservant ..... is your seed הוא זָרְעֲך ". (Gen. 21:12-13).....And in (your Seed זָרְעֲך = who is Ishmael )shall all the nations of the earth be blessed and [by Him] bless themselves, because you have heard and obeyed My voice Genesis 22:18


In Genesis 17:19 God as speaking to Abraham and not to Isaac, so there is NO Isaac covenant at all! Abrahamic covenant includes 3 aspects namely

1) He would be made father of many nations and kings shall come out of him (Gen 17: 5-7),

2) He and his descendant (seed) would be given all the land of Canaan for an everlasting possession and that Yahweh will be their God (Gen 17:8-9).

3) He and his descendants must be circumcised as a token of the covenant between Yahweh and Abraham (Gen 17:10-11)

There is no indication of pointer to Ishmael except circumcision as

the pre-requisite of the covenant.

Ishmael first fulfilled the circumcision being an elder son but God did not say the one circumcised first shall thy seed be called.

Gen 17:25

And Ishmael his son was thirteen years old, when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin.

Isaac was circumcised too. Did he not qualify for the covenant?

Gen 21:4

And Abraham circumcised his son Isaac being eight days old, as God had commanded him.

Lord Jesus being a Jew also entered the covenant of Abraham.

Luk 2:21

And when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child, his name was called JESUS, which was so named of the angel before he was conceived in the womb.

But Ishmael and mother Hagar were cast out by her master Sarah. So this is the first sign that Ishmael will not inherit the land nor share the inheritance with Isaac because Sarah forbid.

Gen 21:10 Wherefore she said unto Abraham, Cast out this bondwoman and her son: for the son of this bondwoman shall not be heir with my son, even with Isaac.

Only one descendent, either Isaac or Ishmael will be given the land Gen 17:8 (I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.)

So whoever got the land after the death of Abraham is a clear sign that he is the chosen seed and fulfilment of God's covenant.

All PROPHETS CAME FROM Isaac(including Jesus) Had No roles to people OUT side HOUSE of ISRAEL..BUT they(including JESUS) HAD TO POINT to the Messengers whom is Comming from the SEED of Abraham (Ishmael)..


Quran [3:81-82] Behold! God took the covenant of the prophets, saying: "I give you a Book and Wisdom; then comes to you a Messenger (Muhammad), confirming what is with you; do ye believe in him and render him help." God said: "Do ye agree, and take this my Covenant as binding on you?" They (prophets) said: "We agree." He said: "Then bear witness, and I am with you among the witnesses." If any turn back after this, they are perverted transgressors.


The truth is that there is no indication in the whole Bible from Old Testament/Covenenat to New Testament/ Covenant that points toward the coming messenger from the seed of Ishmael son of Abraham except that the seed is fulfilled by Lord Jesus as true Messiah and Lord of the universe. There is absolutely no record of Bloodline of prophets from Ishmaelite a Gentile race or foreign people. All prophets are from the Bloodline of Levite tribe. Jesus fulfilled every prophecy to the dot and he shall reign with the 12 apostles over the 12 tribes of Israel and Gentiles nation/people for eternity.

Quran was traditionally from a revelation given by an unidentified spirit to Mohammed at Hira cave in Mecca. The spirit said to Mohammed: "

Verily he saw one of the greater revelations of his Lord. Have ye thought upon Al Lat and Al Uzza, and Manat, the third, the other? Are yours the males and His the females? " (Sura 53:18-21)

Question: Asking Muslims to give thoughts to 3 gods or 3 spirits? Is it an idolatry to think of 3 gods?

Did that spirit said "Thus have we appointed unto every Prophet an adversary

DEVILs of humankind and jinn who inspire in one another plausible discourse through guile. If thy Lord willed, they would not do so; so leave them alone with their devising"

Question: Is that spirit a deceiver appoint an adversary Devils of humankind to mislead every prophet? But Lord Jesus did not sin (Hebrew 2:18; 4:15) even though he was tempted in every way (Matthew 4:1, Mark 1:13, Luke 4:2).

Sura 67:5 And verily We have beatified the world's heaven with lamps, and We have made them missiles for the

DEVILs, and for them We have prepared the doom of flame.

Question: Are stars in the sky considered as lamps or missiles to shoot the Devils? It sounds like legendry.


Anyway, Allah will gather Muslims and Devils bring them to hell crouching around hell (Sura 19:66-70) and that is a destiny for Muslims because "that is a fixed ordinance of thy Lord" (Sura 19:71). Those kept from evil would be pluck out from hell, how many percentage would be pluck out? Is that a reward to be a Muslim so as to end up in hell with no certainty to be saved from hell fire?

Sura 19:68 And, by thy Lord, verily We shall assemble them (Muslims) and the DEVILs, then We shall bring them, crouching, around hell.

Once in hell, there is no return and no way out of it as told by Lord Jesus (Luke 16:26) And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence.


But Christians are saved by Lord Jesus who is from Abraham's seed.

Rev 5:9

And they sung a new song, saying, Thou (Jesus) art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation

Christians are followers of Jesus Christ and they are redeemed by the Blood of Jesus shed during His trial and crucifixion on the Cross at calvary.

St Peter has made it clear to all believers.

1Peter 1:18

Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation
received by tradition from your fathers;

1Pe 1:19

But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:

1Pe 1:20

Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you,

1Pe 1:21

Who by him do believe in God, that raised him up from the dead, and gave him glory; that your faith and hope might be in God.
Sura 3:55 ...I will make those who follow thee (Jesus) SUPERIOR to those who reject faith, to the Day of Resurrection (Yusuf Ali)


Friday, February 22, 2008

Who is the seed of Abraham whom Yahweh refers to?

The word "seed" (Hebrew "zera") is figuratively used to mean "posterity or descendants" and literally mean a "child". The meaning will depend on the context of the message as from the verses below.
Gen 3:14 And the LORD God (Hebrew "Elohiym") said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed (Hebrew "Arar" or "Alah") above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:
Gen 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed (posterity/offspring) and her seed (posterity/ offspring); it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
Gen 4:25 And Adam knew his wife again; and she bore a son, and called his name Seth: For God, said she, hath appointed me another seed (child) instead of Abel, whom Cain slew.
Mark 12:20 Now there were seven brethren: and the first took a wife, and dying left no seed (posterity/offspring).

I will quote from 3 witnesses in order to comply with the Mosaic law for 2 or 3 witnesses for establishing the matter. Deutronomy 17:6 At the mouth of two witnesses, or three witnesses, shall he that is worthy of death be put to death; but at the mouth of one witness he shall not be put to death. Matthew 18:16 Jesus said: But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.

1) Based on Yahweh's own words
Gen 21:12 And God said unto Abraham, Let it not be grievous in thy sight because of the lad, and because of thy bondwoman; in all that Sarah hath said unto thee, hearken unto her voice; for in Isaac shall thy seed (posterity) BE CALLED (Hebrew "qara" for called or CHOSEN).
Mat 20:16 (Jesus said) So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few CHOSEN.
Gen 21:13 And also of the son of the bondwoman will I make a nation (Hebrew "Goy" for foreign nation - hence, Gentile nation), because he is thy seed (posterity).
Gen 26:24 And the LORD appeared unto him(Isaac) the same night, and said, I am the God of Abraham thy father: fear not, for I am with thee, and will bless thee, and multiply thy seed (posterity) for my servant Abraham's sake.
Gen 28:13 And, behold, the LORD stood above it, and said (to Isaac's son Jacob), I am the LORD God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac: the land whereon thou liest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed (posterity)
Gen 32:28 And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but ISRAEL: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.
Gen 35:10 And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.
Gen 35:12 And the land which I gave Abraham and Isaac, to thee I will give it, and to thy seed after thee will I give the land.

2) Based on St. Luke's record
Act 13:22 And when he had removed him, he raised up unto them David to be their king; to whom also he gave testimony, and said, I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after mine own heart, which shall fulfil all my will.
Act 13:23 Of this man's seed hath God according to his promise raised unto Israel a Savior, Jesus

3) Based on the elaboration from St. Paul - a Jew and Pharisee
Rom 9:6 Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel:
Rom 9:7 Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called (chosen).
Rom 9:8 That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed.
Rom 9:9 For this is the word of promise, At this time will I come, and Sarah shall have a son.
Gal 3:16 Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.

4) Based on St. John's record
John 8:31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;
John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
John 8:33 They (Jews) answered him, We be Abraham's seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free?
John 8:34 Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin.
John 7:42 Hath not the Scripture said, That Christ cometh of the seed (posterity/offspring) of David, and out of the town of Bethlehem, where David was?

To sum up, both Ishmael and Isaac are the seeds of Abraham (Gen 21:12-13) but only one of them was chosen or be called. The seed will fulfil the salvation plan of God. That true seed is Jesus Christ who will establish an eternal Kingdom in new Jerusalem City. It is apparent that Yahweh's chosen seed is through the bloodline of Isaac as the covenant was repeated with Isaac (Gen 26:24) and then with his son Jacob (Gen 28:13). There is no single verse in the Bible about Yahweh appeared and said to Ishmael except the chosen seed Isaac (Gen 26:24). Another evidence is that the nation of Israel exists even today while the name of Ishmael is not a nation in the world.

Whosoever disbelieve about the promised posterity of Isaac is because they have been beguiled by the devils (Sura 19:83 and Sura 59:16). May God open the eyes of understanding of the blind in Jesus' Name, the everlasting seed of Abraham.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Is Ishmael or Isaac the seed of Abraham that is in the Abrahamic covenant?

The seed (Hebrew "zera" figuratively for posterity or literally for child) of Abraham is Isaac born out of God's promise to him through his beloved wife, a freewoman Sarah. Isaac was born out of God's covenant and not by a man's decision. As the word "seed" singular is used and not plural "seeds", it refer to one child or descendant. Literally speaking the seed refers to Isaac and figuratively it points forward to Jesus Christ.

The seed in these 2 verses means, Hebrew "zera" for child or posterity.
Gen 15:3 And Abram said, Behold, to me thou hast given no seed: and, lo, one born in my house is mine heir.

Gen 17:19 And God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name ISAAC: and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him.

As the seed has figuratively meaning, Apostle Paul points it towards Jesus Christ.

Gal 3:16 (Apostle Paul wrote) Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.

Gal 3:14 That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.

There are several Abrahamic covenants found in Genesis 12-17. From these covenants, God promises:

  1. To make of Abraham a great nation, and to bless those who bless him and curse those who curse him (Gen 12:1-3) --It was during God's calling for Abraham to leave Haran for Canaan
  2. To give Abraham's descendants all the land from the river of Egypt to the great river Euphrates (Gen 15:18-21)
  3. To make Abraham a father of a great many nations, to give him and his offspring all the land of Canaan for an everlasting possession, and to be his God and to the offspring after him (Gen 17:1-8)
  4. To give Abraham and his seed (posterity) circumcision as the permanent sign of this everlasting covenant, to Ishmael 12 princes & great nation and to Isaac the everlasting covenant for his offspring after him (Gen 17:9-22)

First time God said to Abraham in Genesis 12:1-3 and appeared to him in Gen 12:7. Second time God was covenanting with him in a vision Gen 15:1-18. Third time God appeared to Abraham and was covenanting with him all the way from Gen 17:1-22. As God was still speaking to Abraham, the covenant was with him and not with Ishmael nor Isaac. Hence in Gen 17:21 God was covenanting with Abraham "But my covenant will I establish with Isaac..." -- a promise when he was not yet born. The promise of land to Jacob son of Isaac, was fulfilled in Genesis 28:13.

Gen 17:7 & 8 (YHWH said to Abraham) And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed ... all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; AND I (YHWH) will be their GOD.

Gen 17:19 And God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him.

Gen 17:21 But my covenant will I establish with Isaac -- a promise when he was not yet born. Abraham was 99 years old (Gen 17:1), Ishmael 13 (Gen 16:16) and Sarah 89 (Gen 17:17).

YHWH only stopped talking with Abraham and departed from him in Gen 17:22.

Gen 21:12 But God said unto Abraham "... for in Isaac shall thy seed (posterity/offspring) be called (chosen)". It is clearly stated that the chosen posterity is Isaac.

Clue, covenant includes (Gen 17:8) "I (YHWH) will be their GOD". Gen 28:13 And, behold, the LORD stood above it, and said, "I am the LORD God of Abraham thy father, and the God of ISAAC: the land whereon thou liest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed"

Ishmael did not inherit the land in Canaan as told in Gen 25:17. If Ishmael was in the Abrahamic covenant with a promise of land of Canaan and yet died in a Gentile land Egypt, then YHWH had broken the covenant. Refer (Gen 17:8) "I (YHWH) will be their GOD".

Gen 25:17 And these are the years of the life of Ishmael, a hundred and thirty and seven years: and he gave up the ghost and died; and was gathered unto his people. Gen 25:18 And they dwelt from Havilah unto Shur, that is before Egypt (Gentiles nation), as thou goest toward Assyria: and he died in the presence of all his brethren.

Isaac died in Hebron Gen 35:27-29 in the promised land of Canaan, an ancient term for a region encompassing present-day Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip, plus adjoining coastal lands and parts of Lebanon and Syria.

Gen 17:8 "I (YHWH) will be their GOD". The covenant goes with the bloodline of Abraham whom YHWH declares "I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob". One cannot find a single verse in the Bible "I am the God of Abraham, the God of Ishmael, the God of Nebajoth (Gen 25:13)"

No doubt Abrahamic Covenant goes with Isaac as YHWH declared "I am the God of Isaac"

Exo 3:15 And God (YHWH) said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, The LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of ISAAC, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name forever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.

Gen 16:1 Now Sarai Abram's wife bore him no children: and she had an handmaid, an Egyptian, whose name was Hagar.

Gen 16:15 And Hagar bore Abram a son: and Abram called his son's name, which Hagar bore, Ishmael.

Hagar was an Egyptian slavewoman (a Gentile) Gen 21:9 and not a freewoman. Could a son of slavewoman inherit everlasting covenant when the son was cast out (Gen 21:10)?

Abraham died at age of 175 years and buried at east of Mamre (Gen 25:7-9)or Kiriath-arba that is, Hebron, where Isaac was also buried (Gen 35:27-29)

Gen 25:8 Then Abraham gave up the ghost, and died in a good old age, an old man, and full of years; and was gathered to his people.

Gen 25:9 And his sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him in the cave of Machpelah, in the field of Ephron the son of Zohar the Hittite, which is before Mamre

Gen 21:9 And Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian, which she had born unto Abraham, mocking.

Gen 21:10 Wherefore she said unto Abraham, Cast out this bondwoman and her son: for the son of this bondwoman shall not be heir with my son, even with Isaac.

Gal 4:30 Nevertheless what saith the Scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman.

YHWH did fulfil the covenant with Abraham regarding his son Ishmael. It was to make Ishmael's descendants a great nation but no promise of the land for him and his seed.

Gen 17:20 And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee: Behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve princes shall he beget, and I will make him a great nation.

Gen 25:13 And these are the names of the sons of Ishmael, by their names, according to their generations: the firstborn of Ishmael, Nebajoth; and Kedar, and Adbeel, and Mibsam,

Gen 25:14 And Mishma, and Dumah, and Massa,

Gen 25:15 Hadar, and Tema, Jetur, Naphish, and Kedemah:

Gen 25:16 These are the sons of Ishmael, and these are their names, by their towns, and by their castles; twelve princes according to their nations.

Gen 25:17 And these are the years of the life of Ishmael, a hundred and thirty and seven years: and he gave up the ghost and died; and was gathered unto his people.

Gen 25:18 And they dwelt from Havilah unto Shur, that is before Egypt, as thou goest toward Assyria: and he died in the presence of all his brethren.

Ishmael died in Egypt (Gentiles nation) for sure (Gen 25:17-18); Abraham and Ishmael never enter Arabia and built Kaabah in Mecca (Sura 2:125).

Did God (YHWH) break the covenant with Abraham when Ishmael died in Egypt but not in the promised land of canaan? Nay,
Rom 3:4 God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar.

First Witness: Prophet Moses
Gen 17:9 And God said unto Abraham, "Thou shalt keep my covenant therefore, thou, and thy seed after thee in their generations
Gen 17:20-21 And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee: Behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve princes shall he beget, and I will make him a great nation. But my covenant will I establish with Isaac..."

Second Witness: Apostle Paul
Galations 4:30 Nevertheless what saith the Scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman.
Galations 4:31 So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman, but of the free.

The matter has been established that God's Covenant with Abraham goes with the bloodline of Isaac by the mouth of 2 witnesses. God's law requires only 2 or 3 witnesses to put a man to death just as Lord Jesus was crucified by the testimony of 2 false witnesses (Matt 26:60). The obvious truth is that Isaac was the promised offspring.

References on Mosaic law
Deu 17:6 (YHWH said:) At the mouth of two witnesses, or three witnesses, shall he that is worthy of death be put to death; but at the mouth of one witness he shall not be put to death.
2Co 13:1 (Apostle Paul) This is the third time I am coming to you. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.
Mat 18:16 (Lord Jesus said) But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.

Did anyone challenge the validity of that spirit who appeared to Mohammed?

Mohammed is the founder of Islam. Based on historical evidence, Islamic tradition tells us that a spirit appeared to Mohammed while he was mediating in a cave of Hira, outside of Mecca. And then, the spirit squeezed Mohammed very tightly, that he thought that he was going to die. And the spirit said to Mohammed, "Read." Mohammed was illiterate, he could not read. And he said, "I cannot read." Then the spirit squeezed him more tightly that he thought he was going to die. And the spirit said to him, "Read!" "I cannot read," Mohammed answered. Then the spirit squeezed him more tightly. He was afraid that he was going to die. And he said, "Read!" He said, "What shall I read?" The words should be recited because he could not read. How could you command someone who does not know how to read, read? You say to him, "Recite!" And then he said, "What shall I read?" And he said, "Read, in the name of thy Lord, who created man from the clot," etc. So the Quran is not the invention of Mohammed. The Quran was given to him by that spirit who appeared to him at the cave of Hira. Muslims say, that the spirit was Gabriel the angel. They say the angel Gabriel is the spirit who appeared to Mohammed at the cave of Hira , and he squeezed him tightly.

But listen, when you go the Bible, Gabriel appeared to many people. Gabriel appeared to Daniel, and Daniel was scared. And he said, "Do not be afraid, Daniel." Then he appeared Zecharia, the father of John the Baptist. And he was afraid, and Gabriel said, "Do not be afraid, do not be afraid." Then he appeared to Mary. And Mary was troubled, and Gabriel said, "Do not be afraid." But that spirit who met Mohammed and squeezed him, left him very troubled. He was scared to death. And when he went back to his wife Khadigah, he said, "I am scared, I am scared! I am trembling?" She said, "What?" He said, "I don't know, I don't know. I am afraid that I am possessed." Then she took him to a bishop in Mecca, by the name of Waraka Bin Nawfal, who was her cousin, and she told him about what happened. And this Waraka, the bishop of the Amunit cult in Mecca said to her, "Oh, be quiet. Be quiet. Mohammed will be the prophet of the Arabs."

First of all, because the first declaration was mistaken when he said that man was created from a clot.
Secondly, because the declaration of that spirit to Mohammed contradicts many declarations in the Bible, and God would not contradict himself.
And finally, if he was really the angel Gabriel he would have said, "Don't be afraid, Mohammed. I am Gabriel, and I am sending you a message." But he didn't. So if you analyze the situation, that spirit was not Gabriel by any means.
Quran: Al-Alaq 96:1-2

YUSUFALI: Proclaim! (or read!) in the name of thy Lord and Cherisher, Who created-
PICKTHAL: Read: In the name of thy Lord Who createth,
SHAKIR: Read in the name of your Lord Who created.

YUSUFALI: Created man, out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood:
PICKTHAL: Createth man from a clot.
SHAKIR: He created man from a clot.

Compared to earlier revelation in the Bible
Genesis 2:7
And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
That spirit was not tested against the earlier revelation made in the Bible. There is no single record that Mohammed asked of the spirit "Who are you?" It was merely taken for granted that it was Angel Gabriel. But Gabriel knew that man was created from the dust of the ground and not from a clot. Where does a clot comes from?

As that spirit was never challenged to confess that Jesus is the Lord and contradicts with the 4 Gospels about the death and crucifixion of Jesus, it must be not from God.

Surah/Chapter 004 - An-Nisâ. Verse 157And because of their saying: We slew the Messiah Jesus son of Mary, Allah's messenger They slew him not nor crucified, but it appeared so unto them; and lo! those who disagree concerning it are in doubt thereof; they have no knowledge thereof save pursuit of a conjecture ; they slew him not for certain

Rev 1:18 (Jesus said) I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive forevermore, Amen

Mal 3:6 (YHWH said) For I am the LORD, I change not

1Cor 14:33 For God is not the author of confusion
2Ti 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 
There are some contradictions of the revealed texts in the Quran as compared with the Holy Bible. That unidentified spirit must not be from God. The unidentified spirit is better known as the "spirit of Islam" as it started the religion of Islam.
The scriptural guidelines to test a spirit is found in the Bible.

1John 4:1

(Apostle John said) Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

1John 4:3

And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

1Cor 12:3

... no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.

1John 2:22

Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.

1John 2:23

Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: but he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.


References to Gabriel in the Bible
The Bible: Daniel 8:15-19
15 And it came to pass, when I, even I Daniel, had seen the vision, and sought for the meaning, then, behold, there stood before me as the appearance of a man.

16 And I heard a man's voice between the banks of Ulai, which called, and said, Gabriel, make this man to understand the vision.

17 So he came near where I stood: and when he came, I was afraid, and fell upon my face: but he said unto me, Understand, O son of man: for at the time of the end shall be the vision.

18 Now as he was speaking with me, I was in a deep sleep on my face toward the ground: but he touched me, and set me upright.

19 And he said, Behold, I will make thee know what shall be in the last end of the indignation: for at the time appointed the end shall be.

The Bible: Luke 1:11-13

11 Then an angel of the Lord appeared to him, standing at the right side of the altar of incense.
12 When Zechariah saw him, he was startled and was gripped with fear.
13 But the angel said to him: "Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you are to give him the name John.

The Bible: Luke 1: 26-31

26 In the sixth month, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee,
27 to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin's name was Mary.
28 The angel went to her and said, "Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you."
29 Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be.
30 But the angel said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God.
31 You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus.