Monday, June 14, 2010

Which Bibles or Qurans is the Word of God?

+++ Positron


You applied the criteria of the Hebrew Language to reject the 7 Books of the Catholics Bible.

I applied the SAME criteria of the Hebrew Language for the New Testament written in Greek.

I'm BAFFLED why you say its Faulty Logic ??


According to Bible scholars, the original language of the NT is Greek and not Hebrew. So how can Hebrew be used as a standard for NT??? Lord Jesus was Aramaic speaking Rabbi, the Son of God. We have Aramaic Bible for the NT. So the logic is to use the original language of the text it was first written as the norm and not a secondary version.


For reasons best known to you, you have NOW DEVIATED from this criteria which you put in place earlier, when it comes to the New Testament.

Tell me, why are you INCONSISTENT ?


The original text for NT is not in Hebrew. Tell me which Bible scholars say it was first written in Hebrew???

Tell me, why are Christians ALWAYS shifting the Goal Post when the same criteria goes against their favour ?

Why you Muslim always corrupt the words of God and twist the words of men???

In respect of the Noble Quran,

I read Brother Naliakbar REPLIES to you earlier. Bro Nali had explain in a CLEAR, PLAIN LANGUAGE.

I am asking you to reply to me. It is none of Bro Nali's reply which I want to accept. Are you the same person as Nali??? Are you without your own thoughts and own mind???

It was you who used the number of Books in the Bible to determine as Correct and Incorrect. So there are different number of verses or words in the Quran. But you cannot answer it.

The following numbers of verses in the Quran are just estimated figures but it points out that the numbers of words in the Book cannot be used as a criteria to determine correct or incorrect. If so, then your Quran is an incorrect Book by your definition for an incorrect Book.

In simple Logic, take the Quran for an illustration:-
1) Ibn Masud Codex has say, 6200 verses.
2) Ibn Kab Quran has 6210 verses.
3) Hafsa Quran has 6220 verses.
4) Zaid Codex has 6236 verses.
Now please tell me which one of the 4 Qurans is correct?

If you can answer it, then that principle of answering shall apply to the logic of Catholic Bible and Protestant Bible.



XXX = wrong, wrong wrong brother TDNC
+++1 = In the Name of Lord Jesus of Nazareth - 1st reply
+++2 = In the Name of Lord Jesus of Nazareth - 2nd reply
>>> TDNC +++ Positron

Positron wrote :

+++ 01A). " He will guide you into ALL TRUTH ! ".

>>> Does ALL means ALL ?

Good !

+++ All truth means all things about Lord Jesus Christ in the Gospel. It does not mean the Holy Spirit will decide on the number of Books in the Holy Bible as it is the canon of the scripture practised by the Church. Lord Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church.

>>> Your response is CONTRARY to " ALL means ALL ! "

Please show where in the Bible had the Powers of Christian God Jesus been curtailed or restricted ??

+++2 Please read the context of "all truth" spoken by Lord Jesus is about Himself and not all things. You have to quote the verse to support your false claim and twisted interpretation of the words of Lord Jesus.

+++1 Please read the context about "All truth" in the verse that Lord Jesus says. It is all truth about Himself and not about any thing else. You are forcing people to believe in words without context. If you read Surah 19:71 None of YOU shall but enter Hell. So it is YOU and YOU will enter hell. Am I right?

>>> 01B). Please give me the Truth for

a). Which Bible is Correct & Why not the other ?

....Catholics 73 books or Protestants 66 books ?

+++2 Protestant Bible of 66 Books agree with at least 66 books of the Catholic Bible. So both Books are correct. What is the logic?

In simple Logic, take the Quran for an illustration:-
1) Ibn Masud Codex has say, 6200 verses.
2) Ibn Kab Quran has 6210 verses.
3) Hafsa Quran has 6220 verses.
4) Zaid Codex has 6236 verses.
Now please tell me which one of the 4 Qurans is correct?

If you can answer it, then that principle of answering shall apply to the logic of Catholic Bible and Protestant Bible.

+++1 There is no right and wrong in the number of Books in the Holy Bible as long as the doctrine of Lord Jesus Christ is not adulterated by the doctrines in the other Books of the Bible. The Catholics have extra 7 Books in the OT which are not written in Hebrews language but the number of Books in the NT are 27 Books for both Catholics and the Protestants. As a matter of fact, the Holy Spirit indeed guides the Church to have the same number of Books in the NT.

>>> Dear Positron,

I want to understand your Logic.

By your Logic, as long as your intentions are good, its OK to do bad ?


To build a church, its OK to rob a bank !

To attract the unwary to worship the HOLY PURE GOD ,

its Ok to LIE and apply FALSEHOOD !

Can HOLY & PURE be mixed up with EVIL & DEVIOUS ?

Please quote a verse from the word of Lord Jesus to support your false analogy and corrupted mind.

Catholics have now added another God called " Mother of God ".

Do you call this Blasphemy or ( its OK!) Holy Trinity + 1 Supplementary God ?

I have to declare that I am not a Catholic but I am a follower of Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have no rights to judge the Catholics, as God make me his child to spread the Gospel of Lord Jesus and not to waste time on petty things. Do you want to be a Catholic or to become a follower of Lord Jesus??? I do not ask you to be a Catholic as Protestants are the ones who disagree with the doctrines of the Catholics not totally but partially. But I disagree with the doctrines of Islam 100% in totality!!!

Surah 5:116 was said by Allah and Muhammad that Lord Jesus was asked "Do you tell the people to take you and Mary as 2 Gods?" I just quoted from my memory. It is not word for word but the message is there that Allah did not know what Lord Jesus was doing on earth. If you read the Gospel or good news of Lord Jesus recorded by Apostles John and Matthew, Lord Jesus says His Father is in Him and He is in His Father. So such question is redundant! Furthermore, Allah is not All-knowing as shown in your Quran.

If the Living God that abides in you have no objection to the addition of the

Catholics Supplementary God,

Logic dictates that Catholics Bible is CORRECT

while Protestants Bible is INCORRECT !

Isnt that so ?


As I said the number of Books in the Bible does not determine it is correct or incorrect. The Holy Bible is merely a collection of Books; it is unlike the Quran which is only one Book from one man Muhammad. The Holy Bible is a collection of 66-73 Books from over 40 authors who write the events based on eye-witness or eye-witnesses as in the New Testament. As for the Old Testament, the Book of Genesis was given by inspiration of God to Prophet Moses. Book of Exodus was written by the Prophet Moses based on his personal experience or eye-witness. How do you trust the Quran which is not from eye-witnesses???

The Christian scripture is the New Testament - 27 Books. The Hebrew Scripture in the OT are 39 Books - all written in Hebrews and Aramaic. The 7 extra Books are not written in Hebrews and thus its authenticity cannot be verified. HOWEVER, these 7 Books do not speak against Lord Jesus. As Quran Surah 4:157 speaks against Lord Jesus that he was not killed nor crucified but appeared so, there is no such words in the 7 extra Books of the Catholics. By any standard, Quran contradicts the Catholic Bible and the Protestant Bible. So Quran must be rejected by the standard of 2 valid witnesses in the Law of Jehovah God.

>>> b) The Holy Spirit abide in whose body & What Spirit abide in the other ?

.....Catholics or Protestants ?....

+++2 The test to have the Holy Spirit is given by Prophet Paul which says no man can say "Jesus is Lord" except with the help of the Holy Spirit. I can say Jesus is Lord and any Christians can say Jesus is Lord, have the Holy Spirit. But Muslims are defeated because none of the Muslims can utter Jesus is Lord!!!

+++ 1 All those who follow Lord Jesus Christ truthfully have the Holy Spirit. He does not deprive men of freewill to choose and decide. So the number of Books in Catholics and Protestants are different but not in the doctrines of Lord Jesus Christ. I have to admit that I am in favor of 66 Books only as my username is Positron66; 66 = 66 Books in the Holy Bible.

>>> Again ! I want to understand your logic.

You said....." All those WHO FOLLOW Lord Jesus Christ truthfully have the Holy Spirit. "

By your logic, to follow Jesus is to GO AGAINST JESUS TEACHINGS ??

If you dont agree then,

please show where in the Bible you follow Jesus Teachings. Thank you.

Please show me where in the Bible to say "Jesus is Lord" is against the teachings of Lord Jesus???

Lord Jesus commanded about the water baptism and partaking the Holy Communion so as to remember His death.These commandments I did. But what did you do to Jesus to prove that you love Jesus and claimed that you believe in Him? Surah 4:14 says disbelievers will be sent to hell-fire for eternity. Tell me how did you obey Lord Jesus or in what manners do you follow Jesus???

>>>c). A friendly advise..... Be mindful and reflective of your reply. Surely you dont want to end up looking ridiculous like Johndeweb !

+++ Now the doctrines of Lord Jesus Christ is the same for both Catholics and Protestants. That Lord Jesus Christ died for the sins of the whole world.

>>> I have covered quite extensively DEBUNKING the False Teachings of the Church that

" Lord Jesus Christ died for the sins of the whole world. "

under heading " Crucifixion & Resurrection " plus

Who want to believe you corrupted mind??? Do not presume that what you have written are logical and have debunked logic.What I have refuted show you are merely a naive man who is hungry for the truth but learn from the wrong source. Can a blind lead a blind??? You have to obey Surah 10:94 and ask the People of the Book when in doubt and never declare that you have debunked the doctrines of the Church until the Lord Jesus have agreed with you! But now it is merely your own boasting and by the will of God, you are decreed to enter Hell fire as your reward. Surah 19:71 just speaks for YOU - None of You shall escape Hell.



Didnt Johndeweb extend you copies ?

If no, I will send it to you. Please advise.

+++2 I do not read the article if it is not attention to me. So you have to write my nickname as I did for you at the subject at the top otherwise I will skip it because there are over 50 messages if I do not open the message box for 3 days or more. If I waste time on circular argument when I have addressed earlier, I will not respond with another reply. I am only targeting people who are truly interested to seek for the truth and not Muslims who have no interest for logic and truth. As you talk logically, I will see how far your logic can go. Once you engage in a circular argument, you can expect me to ignore you or stop responding.

+++ God is Love. Jesus loves you!

>>> Again !

Your logic please, on how


Christians say the Greatest Commandment is " GOD IS LOVE ! "


God the Father did not keep His only Son Jesus just like Abraham did not keep his only son and bring him before the altar to be sacrificed. Lord Jesus was willing to die for sinners who are none of his fault, do you not call that Jesus loves you? Without Lord Jesus all will be heading to Hell-fire.

Note :

(AMP) Psalm 137:9 Happy and blessed shall he be who takes and dashes your little ones against the rock !



Let me read the context of the verses before and after Psalm 137:9 and will respond to you later.

You can summarize as which points have been refuted and which questions you have not answered me. You have to answer my questions above before you expect further response from me on other questions. Discussion must be 2 ways follow of information and not avoiding my questions so that you can hide the falsehood away at the back of your mind.


In simple Logic, take the Quran for an illustration:-
1) Ibn Masud Codex has say, 6200 verses.
2) Ibn Kab Quran has 6210 verses.
3) Hafsa Quran has 6220 verses.
4) Zaid Codex has 6236 verses.
Now please tell me which one of the 4 Qurans is correct?

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